Ozone therapy

Ozone therapy procedures are highly effective, complement and enhance the methods of traditional medicine in the treatment and prevention of bacterial and viral infections. Special advantages of ozone therapy are anti-inflammatory, antiviral and immunomodulatory action. This increases the body’s overall resistance to various seasonal diseases.

In our medical center “TuStan” Skhidnytsia, ozone is obtained from oxygen in a special device – an ozonator. And the ozone-oxygen mixture is produced by an ozone therapy device (5% pure ozone and 95% oxygen) with a given concentration of ozone.

  • increase immunity,
  • removal of harmful toxins and toxins,
  • activation of metabolic processes,
  • restoration of liver function,
  • improving blood microcirculation,
  • feeding the skin with oxygen, stimulating pore cleansing.

Ozone therapy also improves sleep, relieves chronic fatigue syndrome and restores efficiency, helps to cope with the effects of stress, severe physical and mental overload.

  • individual ozone intolerance,
  • blood clotting disorders (hemophilia, thrombocytopenia),
  • thyroid disease,
  • predisposition to seizures, epilepsy,
  • acute intoxication,
  • syndromes of heart, vascular, renal, hepatic failure.

During the menstrual period, women are advised to take a break from treatment.
