
Medical center of the hotel "Tustan" Skhidnytsia

Osteopathy - a system of diagnosis and treatment of health disorders caused by various biomechanical dysfunctions caused by:

Experts in the field of osteopathy consider the human body as a single three-dimensional muscular-skeletal, nervous and mental system that constantly adapts to new environmental conditions. Any failure in one of these three elements leads to an imbalance in the work of the others.

Osteopathic lesion means the presence of a complex of various damages to the body (dysfunctions) in the patient:

The disease or damage of any organ leads to the fact that other body systems begin to regulate and compensate for its work, which leads to a holistic violation of the work of organs and systems, because no organ works at full strength and, as a result, tension, inflammation, pain increase. An osteopath helps reduce stress and minimize pain. Through tatty manipulations, it provides deep pressure and relaxation of soft tissues in problem areas. The doctor eliminates the cause of the disease, thereby restoring the balance of the whole organism. The techniques used in osteopathy are absolutely soft and physiological, not capable of injury, that is, absolutely painless and safe. Osteopathic effect triggers a cascade of processes in the human body aimed at restoring normal functioning, mobility and self-correction. The key principle of osteopathic treatment is to launch hidden body resources for self-healing, and the skillful hands of the osteopath are able to return symmetry to the body, lead to a balance of joints, muscles, internal organs. There are several areas of osteopathic therapy: 1. Craniosacral osteopathy — combines craniotherapy technique, which includes neat manipulations with the bones of the skull, based on the restoration of micromanageability of the brain and spinal cord, meninges and sacral osteopathy, which restores balance throughout the body. 2. Structurallyphascular osteopathy — provides for the principle of unity of functioning of the muscular and joint system. Osteopathic influence is carried out within the physiological barriers of each element of the system, taking into account its local, regional and global relationships, and is aimed at eliminating primary damage. 3. Visceral osteopathy — predicts techniques that allow you to influence the organs of the genitourinary, digestive system. The doctor’s hands help to relieve spasm, while the mobility of the internal organs is regulated, organ omissions (kidneys, uterus, intestines) are corrected. 4. Energy osteopathy is a combination of classical techniques with traditional Chinese medicine. 5. Aesthetic osteopathy is the work with the bones of the skull, during which the doctor manages to restore the structure of the skin and the tone of the muscles of the face. After several sessions of osteopathy, the general condition of the patient is significantly improved, the blood circulation process is normalized, and damaged soft tissues are restored.

The main directions of correction therapy:

Osteopathic sessions are not used for:

With the help of osteopathic correction, it is possible not only to treat chronic disorders, but also to help practically healthy people to prevent the occurrence of diseases.

Unlike other methods of treatment with hands (bone stench, chiropractic, manual therapy), osteopathy uses an integrated approach to the body as a whole.

The treatment is aimed at activating the internal resources of the body before self-treatment and to help in adaptation to adverse living conditions, severe mental stress and physical work.

Osteopathy is most effective in functional disorders, when organic disorders have not yet developed (that is, the organ is not changed). In this case, the sooner you go to the osteopath, the faster and easier it will be to eliminate the source of problems and return you to a full healthy life. At this stage, you can fully restore the function of the organ and eliminate the manifestations of the disease without resorting to drug therapy.

In the case when, in addition to functional disorders expressed and organic, the treatment should be complex with the participation of specialized specialists (neurologist, traumatologist, cardiologist, urologist, gynecologist, pulmonologist, etc.). The purpose of osteopathic treatment at this stage is to improve (normalize) the function of the damaged organ, eliminate or reduce the severity of the symptoms of the disease, reduce the duration and intensity of medical load, achieve early and stable remission. It is the joint work that will bring maximum benefit to the patient.


Rest in Skhidnytsia, hotel "Tuіtan"
